Name:      Oliver Knorr
 Directory: texmf
 Fax:       +49 (9 21) 85 15 66
 Address:   Nibelungenstraße 47
            95444 Bayreuth

 Technical data:

   Born:         On December 9th, 1971 in Bayreuth, Germany
   Weight:       light-weight
   Height:       sufficient
   Hair:         about to fall out
   Visual error: enormous (the glasses on the portrait image are deceiving -
                 I do also wear contact lenses below them)

 Computing career:

   1979: First contact with a PET 2001, the mischief begins
   1987: Purchased the first Amiga
   1991: Started studying computer science, currently fighting with the
         second part of the graduation exams

   sporting - only in netsurfing
   organized - in the Amiga Modula and Oberon Club (AMOK)
   culturally interested - sometimes there are good movies in the cinemas
   meditating - is how the Amiga sometimes presents itself when programming
   amateurish - splattering innocent paper with an airbrush
   no more time - for producing strange video clips
   awarded with a prize - at several masquerades (look at the second photo)


  Amiga zip code book
  quip - QWK compatible message reader
  CatCompMO - catalogue compiler for M2Amiga and Amiga Oberon
  MultiPrintGUI - graphical user interface for the program "MultiPrint"
  Oberon User Interface - class library for AmigaOS applications
  PasTeX installation on the Meeting Pearls III and IV
  ... as well as a couple of other projects in my mind or in the works


   Hewlett Packard 22S pocket calculator:
   371 Bytes available memory.

   Commodore PET 2001:
   the original, with built-in datasette, green monitor and the
   "special" keyboard.

   Expansion boards: Cyberstorm Mk. II, Cybervision 64,
                     A2065 ethernet, Vector Connection multi-I/O
   Memory: 32 MB Fast-RAM, 2 MB Chip-RAM, 1 GB hard disk drive
   Peripherals: EIZO F550i-W 17" display, ZyXEL ISDN terminal adapter
                and modem, Kyocera FS-400 page printer
   SCSI subsystem: Plextor 4Plex CD-ROM drive, Insite Floptical
                   20 MB floppy disk drive, Hewlett-Packard C1533A
                   DDS-2 tape drive, internal speakers
   This is johann, my all-purpose computer. It is mainly used for
   programming (preferably in Oberon-2), for communications (Mail, News,
   Internet, Fax, ...) and for delightful hours with LaTeX and friends.

Picture 1: Portrait End of 1992 [pic] Picture 2: In carnival disguise with my girl friend Sabine [pic]

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